At DF Grupo we have been in the agrochemicals sector for over thirty years.
We are currently present in five countries and reach more than ten, selling over 300,000 tons of fertilizer outside Spain a year.
We have solid international experience, which, along with our logistics and financial capacity, enables us to perform large-scale export operations.
Over the last few years, we have seen a constant growth in our exports, the result both of the improvement in our production capacity and of the increase in our logistics processes.

The ideal location of our facilities in the major ports of Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Angola enables us to be particularly competitive in Europe and Africa, our main areas of influence being Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the Atlantic coast of Africa.

We also have two tailored NPK plants and blending and bagging facilities in all our port facilities. The combination of these factors provides us with an unmatchable capacity to perform ‘tailored trading’ in all formats:
- In bulk.
- In big bags.
- In containers.
- Vessels filled with different product combinations.